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Who Killed JFK

Who Killed JFK?

JFK One Killer Is Just Impossible

JFK One Killer Is Just Impossible

Did Oswald really pull the trigger that killed Kennedy

Did Oswald really pull the trigger that killed Kennedy?

It is really amazing why the authorities in the US and particularly the administration of L. Johnson are not convinced that more than one assassin were involved in the killing of JFK.

America and the world need a definite answer about who really killed the two Kennedys; and if any US government agencies were behind these heinous crimes?

For more details see also the reports of Jim Garrison, the District Attorney of New Orleans. On Kennedy assassination investigation please see JFK, a 1991 American film directed by Oliver Stone. It examines the events leading to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, through the eyes of former New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison (played by Kevin Costner); and how his office was blocked from successful prosecution by a federal government cover-up defending the two official investigations: the Warren Commission, and the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

Who Killed John F. Kennedy? Remain an unanswered question.

This is the least the American people can do to honor their principles and let the Kennedys rest in peace.

Comments on: "More Than One Assassin Killed J.F.Kennedy" (1)

  1. Most Americans believe our government was a party to the kennedy killings but those same Americans shiver at the thought of 911 perhaps not being all that we were told. Irony is so ironic.

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