Reinvent Democracy by Creating Three Dimensional 3D Democracy

Heads of States of the Gulf Cooperation Council GCC

Heads of States of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

The world know very well that fair, free and transparent governance is essential demand and right for all nations without exceptions. The USA, France and Britain are increasingly imposing non-peaceful and military changes to Arab states and to North and West Africa. Gulf Arab states, like Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, are instrumental in the western new invasive policy of bringing freedom, justice and democracy to other Arab states like Syria, Egypt and Yemen.

These agent countries are increasingly bullying and threatening Arab governments that are considered unfriendly with NATO and western military intervention under resolutions crafted in the UN similar to what they did in Libya. They are blustering while they are rejecting reforms in their countries and protecting the most corrupt Arab regimes. This new western intrusive policy is actually not driven by the great principles freedom, justice and democracy; nor by the legitimate aspirations of the people of the targeted countries.

The West and their Gulf agents are indeed just working on regime change with the objective of appeasing and engaging Islamists and, more importantly, bringing into power regimes that shall be “business friendly” with the USA, France and Britain. The war on terrorism was an expensive fiasco so the west decided to shift to a new policy of engagement and cooperation with terrorism. Western interests are the actual objectives; and not the values and principles of freedom, justice and democracy.

Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates and the rest of Gulf Cooperation Council are way behind in the areas of freedom, justice and democracy. These countries are absolute monarchies and sheikhdoms where nepotism, exclusion and non-compliance with most universal declarations are the basis of their governance. Their records in human rights, labor rights, non-discrimination, non-segregation, freedom of expression, freedom of faith, government transparency, wealth control, gender, equal opportunities, civic institutions, separation of powers, elections,  rule of Law, and partisan politics are indeed very appalling; if non-existence altogether.

Ironically, the governments targeted by Gulf Arab States are by far better than them despite these governments are well below the accepted local and universal standards.

What are really needed in these Gulf Arab States are the following:
1.    Formation of elected and influential legislative parliaments;
2.    Separation of powers, legislative, executive, judiciary, and monarchy;
3.    The rule of law and equal opportunities;
4.    Guarantees and protection for political opposition;
5.    Limit the number of terms of head of state, first minister, or any public officer;
6.    Allowing peaceful demonstrations and labor strikes;
7.    Legitimize the formation of political parties;
8.    Free private press and media;
9.    Regular, free, fair and monitored elections;
10.    Draft and referendum state constitution;
11.    Regulate peaceful system for transfer of powers;
12.    Endorsing and implementing all major universal declarations;

Without implementing, or at least just starting, such essential long overdue reforms Gulf Arab States cannot and must not try to preach or act as instruments for bringing freedom, justice and democracy to any country in the world. And if they are unwilling to implement these reforms then the world must engage other countries with better records; like India, South Africa or Brazil.

The Arab League, the African Union and the UN must put the goal of democratization in the Gulf Arab states on top of their agendas and a main essential requirement for bilateral and international cooperation.

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